February 8, 2025

Make Green By Going Green

Many homeowners think about going green with their property so they can make a statement about helping the Earth and live in accordance with their beliefs. However, did you know that you can also make money by going green with your home? Read on into the following paragraphs for ways you can make green by going green.

The first thing you can do to have more money from going green is reducing your existing consumption. Change your light bulbs to energy efficient models or lower wattage options. Turn off electronics not in use. Put your thermostat a few degrees cooler in the winter and up a few in the summer. All these little things can add up to a smaller power bill at the end of the month, letting you keep your money.

Start a garden, and start composting. You can recycle a lot of your trash and food waste into gardening fuel that lets you grow fruits and vegetables right in your yard. You can either save yourself money at the grocery store by eating your own food, or perhaps even start selling your foodstuffs at a local farmer’s market.

Sell your washer and dryer, then use the money to buy an energy efficient washer, but do not buy a new dryer. The sale of the two older machines should more than cover a new washing machine by itself. It will draw less power off your house than your old one, giving you more savings. Compound these savings by only washing in cold water and air drying all of your clothes.

Start generating green power on your property. Investigate whether or not geothermal or hydroelectric options are possible where you live. These are not weather dependent and generate power all day every day. Then look at putting wind turbines on your roof and any solar possibilities that are available too. You should be able to come up with a combination that in conjunction with your conservation efforts completely negates your power bill entirely.

When you are able to accomplish this, there will be times that your property in fact generates more power than it uses. You have two options here. First, store the power in cells and batteries for use during other hours. Secondly, sell your surplus back to the grid. Yes, you can in fact make money from power instead of paying for it!

When you think about going green, you might long to do it just because you want to be a mature and concerned citizen of the Earth. However, it can be the thought of keeping the actual green (or whatever color your local currency is) in your wallet or purse that really motivates you to take action. Consider all the ideas in this article and think about which possibilities are realistic options where you live. You can in fact help save the Earth and your own money, as well as even make some, by applying any of these ideas to your home and life as they are now.

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