Growing your own produce in your garden has many benefits, but the latest advantage to gardening is that it supports the concept of going green. The information in this article outlines some of the ways gardening helps us support “going green.”
One of the most important ways a garden helps society by being green is the reduction of transportation needs. Nearly all the produce for sale in grocery stores is transported by trucks that consume incredible amounts of fuel. These trucks cannot be converted to hybrid engines, and all of them use diesel fuel which creates more pollution than gasoline engines. The more individuals that can grow their own produce, the less produce that needs to be transported.
The size of your garden is related to the size of your family and how much of your own produce you would like to grow. Do not plant more than you can use, unless you also plan to preserve some of it by freezing or canning. If you have a family and your children are old enough to help with tending the garden, they will be much more interested in eating the vegetables they have helped to raise. Of course, some children will never be interested in broccoli and some other veggies, but it does increase their interest in what is healthy for them.
Many times it will be necessary to water your garden, especially during the hot months of summer when rain may be scarce. You can maximize the water you use by using soaker hoses. This type of hose gradually releases water, and you can give your plants a continuous supply by running the hose along the plant stems. In this way all the water can be used by the plant, and none is wasted through evaporation. Plants do love to be misted also, and the best time to do this is early in the morning or in the late evening. Do not spray cold water onto plants when the sun is shining hot on them, because the sharp contrast can shock the plants and kill them. It is important to never spray hot water on them either, so make sure your hose is not stored where the sun can heat the water in it.
Although it takes time, it is a good idea to make your own compost. Stack the leaves you rake off your yard in the fall, along with grass clippings and vegetable scraps in a compost bin. Turn the compost regularly to allow the heat created at the bottom of the pile to evenly break down all the compost material. Compost can be used in the spring after it has been “cooking” over winter.
Some people plant marigolds around the perimeter of their garden to repel pests. Most critters and bugs find the scent from marigolds distasteful, so they avoid the area. Marigolds are very easy to grow, they are pretty and they are also very heat tolerant.
Growing your own garden not only helps reduce your grocery bill, but it does reduce the amount of fuel used when you make extra trips to the store. Use the tips in this article to help yourself make a “green” contribution by growing a garden of tasty produce.
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