October 16, 2024

Tips on Discussing Hearing Loss with a Loved One

Hearing impairment is one of the most commonly unaddressed health conditions in the United States. While hearing loss can be an extremely sensitive topic to bring up with a loved one, living with a hearing impaired individual who refuses to seek help can be a very difficult situation to navigate.  In many cases the spouse or family member of the affected person will fall into a pattern of co-dependency. In this situation, you may feel that you are helping by […]

The post Tips on Discussing Hearing Loss with a Loved One appeared first on Brooklyn Audiology.

Hearing Aids Hearing Aid

Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be either sudden or gradual, depending on the cause. Some people lose hearing due to infection, overexposure to loud noise, or injury, while others might notice their hearing declining due to age or as a result of certain disease processes. It is important to understand the signs and symptoms of auditory impairment in order to know when to involve a medical professional. There are several ways for a clinician to test auditory functioning, but how could you […]

The post Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss appeared first on Brooklyn Audiology.

Hearing Aids Hearing Aid