January 27, 2025

Before Installing Solar Panels, Consider This

There is a lot of talk about solar energy as the wave of the future. Solar technology has advanced in the past few decades and research is continuing. Solar is the one energy that is present everywhere on the planet, is free except for the hardware used to capture it, and is the ultimate renewable energy. Are there any drawbacks? There are some, and this article will seek to introduce you to these issues.

The hurdle that stops many people from installing solar panels is the up front cost. This can run to $20,000 or more, depending on the size of the building. This initial cost is recoverable over a period of a decade or two. Solar does make economic sense if you plan to stay in your home (or business) for this length of time. If you do, you can realize cost savings as well as energy security and the satisfaction that you are not contributing to global warming. There is good news regarding installation costs, however. Some localities are providing programs that allow you to spread that initial cost out over a long period of time–just as you do with your home mortgage. This puts solar within reach of many more people. To find out whether such a program is available to you, check with local providers of solar panels or your local government.

Solar energy panels, once installed, do not give you complete freedom from those electric bills from the power company. Few people are able to get entirely off the grid. Instead, because of the limitations of storing the energy generated by solar in batteries, you will have to rely on the power grid at times. As storage technology improves in the future, this may be overcome. But for now, you will need to draw electricity from the power grid during the night or other low productivity times. The good side of this is that, in many places, you are able to sell your surplus energy back to the power company when your solar panels are producing more than you need.

Before installing solar you should, of course, check with local government or the state power agency about regulations. However, at this point in time, there are few impediments to installing solar panels.

Your first step is to find a reliable local company that sells and installs solar panels. As with any other major purchase, checking companies reputations through the Better Business Bureau and other oversight groups is a good idea. Once you find a company you want to work with, they should be able to provide you with the information you need. They can check whether you have enough area on your roof or yard to install solar panels that will provide for your home. You will need full sun, as much as possible, to get maximum efficiency. If your location does not get enough sunlight, solar is not your best option.

In most cases, you will want to hire a professional to install your solar panels and all the other hardware needed. This includes power inverters, batteries, charge controllers, supportive structures and cabling to support the panels. You also need lines from the panels into your home to integrate them with your present electrical wiring. If you are not an electrician yourself, it is best to hire a professional.

This article has introduced you to things you should know if you are considering solar energy. Following these steps will save you from going ahead with a system that is not practical for you. They could also lead you to the satisfactory installation of a solar energy system.